Biblical Wallpapers

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  • God is Still With Us
    God is Still With Us “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1:23)‬ ‭Immanuel, God with us, that is what makes Christmas so special, the fact that God came down and became both fully God and man. It is so easy to look at the Christmas account and miss its significance because many of us are abundantly familiar with these events. But, many of us miss the fact that God is still with us. Jesus came to die for our sins, so we could live… Read more: <strong>God is Still With Us</strong>

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Biblical Encouragement’s mission is to encourage the viewer to grow in their relationship with God through weekly Bible studies and encouraging verse images.

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Project Bible Wall 2.0

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Weekly Biblical Encouragment, Biblical Encouragement, weekly encouragement, christian encouragement, weekly encouragement, encouragement biblical, projectbible, bible study encouragement,bible study on encouragement,weekly scripture

Weekly Biblical Encouragment, Biblical Encouragement, weekly encouragement, christian encouragement, weekly encouragement, encouragement biblical, projectbible, bible study encouragement,bible study on encouragement,weekly scripture

Weekly Biblical Encouragment, Biblical Encouragement, weekly encouragement, christian encouragement, weekly encouragement, encouragement biblical, projectbible, bible study encouragement,bible study on encouragement,weekly scripture