The storm of the Spirit

This week I want to start off with a verse, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13, This week at my house, tropical storm Zeta came through, we had a power outage for 3 days and a bunch of fallen trees. It swept through our entire area and we talked to our neighbors more during this time than in a long time. I was thinking what if the Holy Spirit swept through our land in the same way the storm did. What would our city, our country, and our world look like, if the Holy Spirit would sweep through our land? If we were all set on fire for the Lord and our city just burned with the light of Jesus, what would the impact look like? If we could get just one city set on fire for Christ we wouldn’t see trees fall, we would see the addictions and strongholds fall to the ground. Now let’s take this to a more personal level, what would happen to your family, city, state, and country if you were on fire for Christ? I believe it would change the landscape of our country more than any natural disaster. It could start with you right now. But more importantly than changing the physical landscape of our country it would and can change the landscape of hearts all over the world and it could start with you, yes you. You may say God can never use me, I have done all the things He said not to do and I am flawed in all these ways. I would say to you that is God’s specialty and I could tell you thousands of examples in scripture, but here are just a few Paul, Moses, Joshua, Jacob, and David, in fact the only ones who are not flawed in the Bible are Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. So this week pray that the Holy Spirit lights a fire in your heart and let Him use you as the vessel to light a blaze through your family, community, city, country, and the world.

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